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Brad speaking at the Women's Health & Wellbeing Expo

Posted by Tabitha Fennell on 13 May 2014


What a windy cool morning it is! So please stay warm!!

So Brad will be speaking at the Woman’s Health & Wellbeing Expo on two very interesting topics at the Robina Community Centre this weekend. It’s a free event with loads of dynamic speakers with stall holders to wonder around in and explore.

Brads talks are:

“Helping you end the cycle of overwhelm and fatigue” at 9.15 – 10am Saturday (room 1.3)

“How understanding your dreams can radically improve your health and wellbeing” at 9.15 – 10am Sunday (room 1.3)

Check out the Facebook page 

Hope to see you there!

Author:Tabitha Fennell
About: Acupuncturist and Director of Studio Qi
Tags:fatiguewellbeingwomen's healthhealthdreams

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