Chinese herbs fill the gap between Acupuncture treatments
Chinese herbs have great value to support the positive changing process of the body that is out of balance and when we use them along with acupuncture the treatment has even more potency.
The herbs work deep within the internal organs and are based on the same theory that acupuncture is based on. So over the thousands of years that the herbs have been used we have seen that if there is a deficiency or a fullness the herbs will help balance this and so it will guild the internal organs back to their optimum working order. Like every acupuncture point the individual herbs have specific functions that work on disease and when they are combined with other herbs they can treat certain disorders effectively. Herbs are not a one off pill just like all medications they will have to be used regularly to have the best effect, though in saying that they are not a band aid effect or take over what the body naturally does like most western medications, they will actually help the body move back to balance so it can heal the disorder. Plus the only side effects are a bowel that moves regularly because the herbs are fibrous, this adds to the healing as well.
When you come to Studio Qi for a consultation we will prescribe from your personal symptoms the herbs that best suit your condition. Ours are tablet form so it takes away the sometimes interesting taste of boiled herbs, so making them easy to take.
Best, Tabitha
Tags:immunitywellbeingrecoverqialimentstreatmentbalancedbalancenaturalproductsGold CoastBurleighnaturewellnessHerbal formuladiseasesupporthealthantioxidantschinese herbsacupuncturefamily |