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Perimenopause and how it is changing me

Posted by Tabitha Fennell on 18 August 2018
Perimenopause and how it is changing me

So I'm entering into the area and stage of Perimenopause and it's a subtle shift, but also NOT. Now I really get what my clients have been experiencing and I'm starting to know what makes a difference in a positive way within my life. So here are some tips and all you have to do is try them out and see if they make any change.

These are some of the changes I'm experiencing:

My periods are fluctuating, one month I totally miss a period or they go longer and sometimes shorter, then add the emotional fuse button around these times of hormone changes are like cra cra, so don't even look at me that way. I have found that at ovulation time I get more PMS symptoms then pre-period with ovulation pain on the left side, the eggs are fading is what this symptom tells me and that it's a stagnation that builds up when the hormones can't do their usual thing for ovulation. One month my periods are heavy and the next month if I get them are light as. It's a new experience that can get very destructive on many levels as I'm used to clockwork cycles and even hormones. So I'm trying to see it as my body is changing and how do I change with this new process and not fight against it or let it over ride me? So I'm getting the support that will hopefully make this journey a little smoother, for me and my family. Hormones... such an interesting invention!!!

This is what I'm doing different:

So I'm doing what I tell my clients to do: more regular Acupuncture,

More of these amazing Chinese Herbs, 

More Maca,

More regular exercise that doesn't leave me feeling tired or depleted, 

Drinking 2 litres of water by 3pm each day, dropping foods that I know don't work for me like refined sugars and carbs,

Getting a good 8 hours sleep,

More time to journal out my emotional process, analyse my dreams,

Be creative regularly (I always dance one track a day, dancing out how I feel),

I'm dropping away relationships and habits that drain or are just plain not working for me anymore,

Dressing in clothes that make me feel a whole hearted YES and to know that this process is so natural and that embracing it and seeing what jewels it has to teach me matters most.

Knowing that this is where I'm at in my life and realising that support has to come from outer areas as well as from within me, that it's big and as I move through this phase and into menopause which could take the next 5 or so years, I need to move with what works and drop away which doesn't.

Sounds exciting when I frame it like that...

What works for you? I'd love to know and I'm sure all women going through this phase would love to hear your jewels!

Best, Tabitha

Author:Tabitha Fennell
About: Acupuncturist and Director of Studio Qi
Tags:fatiguewellbeinglibidohormonesexercisedepressionstressanxietyexhaustedmeditationfrustrationstagnationenergycalmingGold CoastinsomniaBurleighPMSbusiness womensexliferelationshipslifestylemenopausehot flushesestrogenempoweringwomen's healthwisdomfemininewomenacupunctureovulation

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