Rest as medicine in all months of pregnancy

Posted by Tabitha Fennell on 11 September 2019
Rest as medicine in all months of pregnancy
Taoist thinking on medicine for pregnancy is rest along with acupuncture, food therapy and herbs. Pregnancy is a yin time so what does thi...
Posted in:pregnancypre-birthhealthbabiesrelaxfertilitywellnesslifeemotionsunwindclarityfatiguewellbeingcalmchill-outcenteredlabourenergybodyrestbabybirthbreathecalmingnurturenurturingmindwomenMotherMothering  

Acupuncture drops you in your Feminine

Posted by Tabitha Fennell on 7 September 2019
Acupuncture drops you in your Feminine
The easiest way to access your feminine is to have acupuncture.  Why? Because we as the acupuncturists create the masculine that holds the s...
Posted in:healthwellnesslivinglifeemotionswomen's healthwellbeingwisdominspiringinspirationalbusiness womenrelationshipsGold CoastsupportlovefunempoweringgrowthBurleighacupuncturefemininewomenmasculine  

Audio Value

Posted by Tabitha Fennell on 6 September 2019
Audio Value
Instead of music I love a good audio to listen to and that can be from my favourite pod cast to an audio book. This one I'm recommending to...
Posted in:livingclaritywomen's healthwisdominspiringanswersinspirationalbusiness womenGold CoastlifestyleempoweringBurleighpod castfemininewomenpodcastsMother  

Are you Gluten Intolerant?

Posted by Tabitha Fennell on 2 September 2019
Are you Gluten Intolerant?
This book is a simple but highly informative read with great recipes and suggested tests and supplements all to deal with Gluten intolerance. D...
Posted in:Asthmaeatinghealthdigestionhealthy treatDietwellnessstressbalancedwellbeingbodydiseasegut floragasbloatingnauseastomachtiredexhaustedbookironfibrecalciumheartburnfluid retentionempoweringBurleighBowelconstipatedcoachingGluten  

Connect to your Feminine

Posted by Tabitha Fennell on 27 August 2019
Connect to your Feminine
This quote reminded me how nature is the easiest way to connect to our feminine nature and that mother nature is always calling us to come and pl...
Posted in:lifeemotionswomen's healthwellbeinginspiringenergyinspirationalbusiness womenGold Coastmovemother naturecalmingempoweringgrowthBurleighfemininewomen  

Testosterone and How Menopausal Women can benefit from it

Posted by Tabitha Fennell on 6 August 2019
Testosterone and How Menopausal Women can benefit from it
So a client showed me a Doctor from the USA who is treating symptoms of menopause with natural Progesterone,Testosterone and finding out if the ...
Posted in:livinglifehormonesemotionswomen's healthanxiouslibidosexGold Coastsexlifehot flushesanxietyBurleighacupuncturewomenperi menopause  

Monash Study Reveals Natural Testosterone for Menopause

Posted by Tabitha Fennell on 5 August 2019
Monash Study Reveals Natural Testosterone for Menopause
Monash Study Reveals Natural Testosterone for Menopause Last week a friend sent me this great article from the Financial Review stating that he...
Posted in:women's healthmenopause  

Chinese Herbs for menopause

Posted by Tabitha Fennell on 3 August 2019
Chinese Herbs for menopause
There are several Chinese herbal formulas for all the stages of menopause, so it's very important to consult your practitioner for a full di...
Posted in:PMSHerbal formulahealthwellnesslivinglifehormonesheatwomen's healthwellbeinganxiouslibidoestrogenPMTGold Coastfrustratedlifestylemenopausehot flushesempoweringanxietybalancefrustrationacupuncturewomenperi menopausechinese herbs  

Qi Gong and TCM Medicine for Menopause

Posted by Tabitha Fennell on 29 July 2019
Qi Gong and TCM Medicine for Menopause
In TCM we call menopause "The Second Spring", which has a very positive feel to it I think.  It's called the second sprin...
Posted in:Herbal formulawellnesshormoneswomen's healthwellbeingGold Coastinsomniamenopausehot flushesempoweringBurleighacupuncturefemininewomenchinese herbsTCM  

Herbs for Constipation

Posted by Tabitha Fennell on 27 July 2019
Herbs for Constipation
These herbs are amazing at getting the bowel to move without giving you explosive diarrhea like some laxatives can. They actually get the perist...
Posted in:Herbal formulaeatingconstipationdigestionDietexercisebodyGold CoastcleansingbloatingstomachsupportfibredrinkgutBurleighacupuncturechinese herbswaterBowelconstipated  

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